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Daily Struggles: Call for Reinforcements!

Call for reinforcements!

I recently watched 4 seasons of a TV series over a weeks time. The drama, action, and suspense kept me riveted to the TV screen. Inhabitants of the future Earth battled multiple enemies often several factions at once.

By the 4th season, I am thinking that it is bordering on the ridiculous as the space between battles becomes shorter

and shorter. The drama was great but are the

directors overdoing it a bit?

I realized that in our lives it seems that our director may be overdoing it a bit. We face many challenges at once. But, our daily battles don't result in dramatic deaths and the

need for daily heroism. Or do they?

If we were to take the world as a whole and condensed the highlights: war, hunger, natural disasters, and man-made struggles, we would see this depth of drama and heroism. In the US, natural disasters alone consists of hurricanes, wild fires, and acts of terror happening simultaneously.

In our personal lives, many struggle daily to combat addictions, health issues, emotional pain, an over-demand of our time, a difficult work environment, etc. It seems that there will never be a break between struggles. The need to constantly be on guard prepared to take action remains "on". If we could only turn it "off": take a break to heal, reassess the situation, and call in reinforcements, we could become stronger ready to face the new challenges.

Take the break;

Call for reinforcements!

Give your struggles and battles to God.

Let Him be the reinforcements.

Let Him make you stronger.

Let Him heal you.

In the morning, ask Him to be your strength

throughout your day and at night thank Him for His vigilance that helped you through the day. This may not lessen the battles that you face, but you will no longer be facing them alone. You will be strengthened through His alliance.

Call for reinforcements!

God is our refuge and strength, an

ever-present help in trouble Psalm 46:1

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